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Paper Type
  100 lb glossy stock
Size (Standard)
  8.5" x 11"
  8.5" x 14"
  11" x 17"
  11" x 25.5"
  4 Color Both Sides

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Brochures Size
Paper Type
100 lb glossy stock
4 Color Both Sides
3 Business Days
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No business campaign is complete without brochure printing. Brochure is a folded booklet that is explicitly used for promotional purposes. Brochures with different sizes and pages are used for advertising business product and service.

Brochures have a standard size of 8.5" x 14" Inch. But it comes in different sizes like, 8.5" x 14" and 11" x 17" according to the need and demand of the business. The weight of the brochure is normally between 80-100 lbs but can be varied as per business requirement. Pages of the broachers vary from 2-8 and some times more.

If you want to get best results from your promotional campaign then you must pay good attention towards your colored printed brochures. By using the brochures as the vanguard of your promotional campaign, you will surely get the attention of your customer towards your product.